OnBoard List API

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The OnBoard list api provides an https endpoint for a list of names from OnBoard . Use this endpoint to get Service writer names, calendar names and ids, status names, source names,or repair type names When a successful post is sent to OBS it will return a name:id list formatted in json.

To use the api you will need a Vendor account with OBS, please contact us to get setup.

Vendor API Key
Supplied from OBS include in post header         apikey = vendorapikey



OBS will return a json formatted list of the list requested

OBS will return a json formatted error message


  • shop_api_key – required – supplied by obs – string max 50
  • list_type string value of the list you would like to receive accepted values are repairtypessources , servciewriters , technicians , status, flags or calendars

Data Schema

JSON is the expected format. Post as application/json in you header and send the json data in the body of the post. The body will need to contain the json string. The endpoint accepts an array and each object request must contain the shops api key.

Example json data

“shop_api_key”: “theOBSshopAPIkey”,
“list_type”: “repairtypes”


Example using the  Advanced REST client

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